Lynda Perry, Chair
Phill Tirrell
Rachel Tirrell
Ivan Wallace
John Nowak
Mindy Jo Chadwick
Robin Maguire
Vicki Madziarek, Alternate
Meeting Minutes
Water Testing Reports
UNH Cooperative Extension: Beaver Control Information
Duck Pond Trail Map
Lady Slipper and Moose Trail Map
How to Dispose of Invasive Plants
Invasive Plants Information
Natural Resources Inventory-Town of Lempster
Long Pond Duck Box made and donated by Camp Kirkham Scouts
Duck Pond Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Bear Shred on Lady Slipper Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Duck Pond Trail
Conservation Work on Duck Pond Trail
Duck Pond Trail