Membership Drive and Spring Happenings!
Mission Statement:
Our mission shall be to bring together people who are interested in history, especially the history of Lempster, New Hampshire. The Society will endeavor to preserve Lempster’s historic buildings, sites, and artifacts. Our mission includes the collection of materials which may help to illustrate the history of the town, the area, its settlement, development, population, and progress. The Lempster Historical Society is a 501c-3 tax exempt entity. Our funding comes from the collection of membership dues, fundraising activities, and donations. We do not accept tax dollars from the Town. The Society owns an d operates out of History Hall at 4 Second NH Turnpike, where we maintain a small museum, archives room and social/meeting rooms. We also own the historic one-room school building on Dodge Hollow Road.
Meetings are on the 4th Thursday of the month at 6:30 PM at History Hall as follows:
Board of Directors business meetings are every alternate month beginning in February.
Members meetings are every alternate month beginning in March.
We welcome anyone who wishes to visit or join the Society to attend any of these meetings.
Robert Cilley, President
Laura Pinkney, Vice President
Pat McCabe, Secretary
Janice Baker, Treasurer
Laura Pinkney, Archivist 603-863-8180